American Triptych Vol. 1 of 3: flogently

Photography by Florence Nobuko Smith
Vol. 1 of 3: flogently
Journey with three women photographers as they go on a three-week photographic road trip through U.S. National Parks of the Southwest and Northwest.
This first of 3 shows will feature the photography of Florence Nobuko Smith.
Opening Night, February 21, will feature a live performance by Bom and 梶山シュウ (Kajiyama Shuu) from 8-9pm.
Where: The Shack (in Hiroshima)
When: February 21-April 20, 2007
For more information contact:
The Shack at 082 544 7676
Flo at flogentlyphotography at
flyer designed by Naoko Mizumachi (thank you!!)

Labels: American Triptych, Florence Nobuko Smith, Hiroshima, photography, The Shack