Bionic Buildings

From the BBC World website:
"Spiders make thread that’s as strong as steel, termites build intricate airways in dirt so they can survive in the searing sun. Over 3.8 billion years, nature has become the ultimate designer. Plants and animals have solved problems that allow them to flourish in some of the most extreme environments.
Charlie Luxton goes back to nature’s drawing board to explore how architects, designers and engineers are beginning to create bionic buildings through biomimicry (the act of copying or mimicking biology).
Five specific areas where we can apply nature’s lessons to architecture are examined. Charlie visits buildings which are proof that architects are already using nature’s lessons to build better and safer places for us all to live and work."
How much do you know about biomimetics? Take this quiz and find out!
Design affects not only our behavior but has a direct effect on our planet.
Respect yourself and respect the Earth!